Title Andreas Fugl

The First Fugl Family - Page 4

The next record we find is that of the death of Christian's grandfather, Andreas Fugl. This took place in Fladstrand in 1798.8

Death Record of Andreas Fugl
Death Record of Andreas Fugl

Sergeant Fugl - gl: 71 Aar og Henric Meilergrates
lille son fra Flade Bye - gl: 3 Aar - d 5te Jan: 1798
Sergeant Fugl, age 71 years and Henric Meillergrate's
little son from Flade Town - age 3 years - the 5th of Jan. 1798
(Two people, unrelated, died the same day.)

In the 1801 census of Fladstrand, we can only find Christian's grandmother.9 Christian is still in Aalborg. Perhaps his stepfather has been transferred with the military? The census record reads thus: Elisabeth Christensdatter Fugl, living with another family, age 73, a widow after her first marriage, has a pension as a military officer's widow.

In the meantime, Christian finished his apprenticeship with Mr. Breum.10 Fulfillment of Christian's Apprenticeship
Fulfillment of Christian's Apprenticeship

1800. D 4 Agut frem kom Christian Soren- 
sen Fuul som haver lert hos Willem
Briom og gav til Laden 1 Krone. 
1800, the 4th of August came Christian Soren-
sen Fugl who has learned from Willem
 Briom and gave for dues 1 crown.

Next we find the death of Christian's grandmother in 1803.11

Death Record of Lisbeth Christiansen
Death Record of Lisbeth Christiansen

22 Oct. Lisbeth Christiansdatter, Anders Fugls hustru: gl. 76 aar 
22 Oct. Lisbeth Christiansen, Anders Fugl's wife, age 76 years.

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