Title Andreas Fugl

The First Fugl Family - Page 3

Shortly after Christian was confirmed, he was apprenticed to a shoemaker in Aalborg. His grandfather took him to Willum Breum to be apprenticed for six years, from 1794 to 1800.5 For some unknown reason, the grandfather's name is written down by the scribe as Friderich instead of Andreas. (There actually was a Friderich Fugl living in Aalborg. We find him in the Vor Frue Parish in Aalborg6 getting married to Maren Sorensdatter in 1761. Perhaps the scribe knew of him and confused the names?)

Shoemaker Apprentice Contract
Christian Fugl's Apprentice Contract

The translation is as follows:7

Udi den Hellig Trefoldished's Navn hav jeg Friderich Fugl Corporal 
ved det Fladstrandske garnisons' Compagnie fadt min foraldt sosbond holdfri
datters son Christian Fugl udi laere hos aerlig og velagte Vilhelm Breum 
borger og skoemager maester her I Aalborg for at lera hannem det lovlige 
skoemagger handvaerch og skall samme laer Andgane fra sidst afvigte 7 August
1794 og indtil mand skriver den 7 August 1800. Som gieor I alt 6 fulde 
Aar og udi samme tiid lovr jeg Wilhelm Breum som laere maester at ville 
laers bemaeldte dreng Christian Fugl haandvaerchet saa vidt som gud vil 
forunde lyche og nemme dertil og handfelv det vil I agttagge ligesaa lover 
jag som laere maester at holde drengen skatfrie og I hans laers tiid at give hand 
forsvarlig ol og med samt det nodvendige of skoe til hans foder.
Derimod lover jeg Christian Fugl som lere drenge at Villn vere min master 
og maesterinde horig og lydig troe og fligtig uden saa vel som uden
dore og of ydereste kraefter og formue at Sogge deres gave og baedste
saa de naest guds hielp indtet skall faase Aarsag over mig at klagge og skall
jed hvershen nadt eller dag udan min maester eller maesterindes Villie og
samtyche lade mig see uden for deres huns naar jeg iche af dem er 
hands konglig Modgestet sallernaadigste udteede Articuls brev der om for
skriver til yder meese bekraeftlese have ambedet I de velagt borgeve
atville ti vitterlighed dette underskrive som skeedde I Aalborg den 21st Februari 
1795. Vilhelm Breum skomager pass min datter sons vegne. 
Friderich Fugl 
In the name of the Holy Trinity, I, Friderich Fugl, Corporal
with the Fladstrandish Garrison's Company, commit my free of  indenture
grandson (daughter's son), Christian Fugl, as appentice with the honest and reputableWilhelm Breum,
citizen and shoemaker master here in Aalborg, in order to teach him the legal
shoemaker craft, and shall he teach from August 7,
1794 until one writes August 7, 1800, in all, six complete
years and at the same time, I, Wilhelm Breum as master will
teach the aforementioned boy, Christian Fugl, the craft so far as God will
offer fortune and ability (and help you will offer?). Likewise, promise
I as master to keep said boy free from taxes, and during his apprenticeship provide
sufficient beer, and also necessary shoes to his feet.
At the same time I, Christian Fugl, as apprentice with Wilhelm, promise my master
and master's wife, to listen, be obedient, and diligent inside as well as outside
(the master's residence), and through strongest exertion and fortune to seek to benefit and do the best,
so with God's help no one shall have reason to complain. I shall
neither night or day let myself be seen outside their house without my master or lady'sagreement and
when I have not been sent by them. If I behave contrary, then I will suffer
the hand of his royal Majesty.......
....to wit this is signed in Aalbog the 21st of February
1795. Wilhelm Breum, Shoemaker. On behalf of my daughter's son,
Friderich Fugl 

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