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A Visit to Frederikshavn - Page 3
As we biked around the area, we stopped at several churches in which we knew our ancestors had worshipped. For example, we know that Christian Christensen Fugl's family lived for a time in Hørby. The graveyards are neatly manicured. We were told that after 25 years, if someone doesn't pay further rent on the grave plots, they bury someone else there.
Horby Kirke Horby Kirke

Torslev Kirke Torslev Kirke, built in 1847. Christian Christensen Fugl's wife, Stine Marie Pedersen, is from Torslev.
Impressions of the countryside we biked through were: tidy farms with huge barns, absolutely no litter by the roadsides, little traffic and nice bike trails on the main roads, houses with sparkling clean windows, the washing hung out to dry, lots of trees, seagulls overhead, and a lot of wind. Each farm had a name. There would be a small sign if they took the Vendsyssel Tribune. Vendsyssel is the name of the province north of Aalborg.

Flade Kirke Flade Kirke
Flade Kirke is the oldest of the churches in the area, having been built in the 13th Century. It is surrounded by farmlands. Carl and I climbed 315 steps to the top of Cloostørnet (Cloos Tower) to look down on the beautiful church and the surrounding countryside. You could see the harbor from there. The church was locked so we couldn't go inside. Many Fugls have been christened, married, or buried in Flade Kirke-some of Christian Sorensen Fugl's children and also our ancestor, Andreas Christensen Fugl (who immigrated to America) and his older brother, Niels.

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